EJ Kitchen Focus Group

  1. What do you like about working at Eskimo Joe’s?
  2. In our recent survey, some spoke about training inconsistencies.   What have you observed?  What can we do to make this better?
  3. Do you think job duties and cross-training opportunities are clearly assigned?  If not, how do we make this better?
  4. Do you think we have enough growth opportunities? If not, what can we do?
  5. Consistency is crucial for a restaurant.  Do you think we are consistent in prep, meal plating, portions, etc.? What can we do to improve?
  6. Sanitation and cleanliness are also crucial for a restaurant.  How do you think we are doing in this area? How do we improve?
  7. Do you feel that you are treated with respect by management?
  8. Do you get enough feedback?  What would be enough? 1x week, 1x month
  9. Do you feel welcome and part of the team?  Do you think we make new hires feel this way? What can we do better?
  10. Is there anything else you want to tell us?